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**A New Rising Star**
Brandon "The Guitar Player"
Brandon is 16 yrs. old and is considered the future of the "Wise Guys". Sometimes it's the spark of youth that allows other band members to remember that the fun of just playing music is what the band is all about. Although Brandon has experienced first hand what moving equipment to and from the gigs is really WHY WE GET PAID!

Stay tuned for more updates on Brandon performing with the "WISE GUYS".

Coming soon! Brandon's sister Kelley in the Dodge Viper!
This will be one picture that you guys will want to put on your wall! Talk about sibling rivalry!

Don't forget...the featured band member that you've all been waiting for will be here soon!
Contracts are currently under review for this featured band member to have his picture posted on this page. Since he's kinda shy, we've had to go to full extreme to get this far. Remember...his name is known the WORLD OVER! E-mail us and see if you can guess his name?

Partner Site (Dwight built this one too!)
Brandy Rifles Co. E SCV Camp 1918